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Default avatars for communities
Disqus avatar
Written by Disqus
Updated over a week ago

As a site administrator you can add a default avatar for commenters who don't have their own yet. For any Guest comments or comments by profiles without an avatar set, your custom image will show as the avatar for these users. This adds a nice touch to the Disqus embed to make it feel like a part of the community.
 To override the default Disqus commenter avatar, go to your Disqus admin, click the Settings page and then the General sub-tab. The option will be under Default commenter avatar. Click the Plus button to add a new image, ensure that it is bordered in blue, and click Save.

​ Tips

  • Keep it simple. Use an image that anyone in the community can associate with, and that doesn't distract from their comment.

  • Avoid showing anything that represents a specific person or brand other than your own. Users reading through the comments might confuse the default avatar with something that the commenter chose.

  • Don't put a picture of yourself. To change your own avatar, see Updating Account Settings

Alternate avatars

If you prefer the original default avatar, you may download the one below and upload it in your Disqus admin again using the same instructions above.

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