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Adding Disqus to static Wordpress Pages
Adding Disqus to static Wordpress Pages
Ryan avatar
Written by Ryan
Updated over a year ago

When you integrate Disqus into your Wordpress site, you may notice that Disqus only appears on the Wordpress "Posts", such as your blog posts, and does not appear on standalone Pages, such as your site's homepage.
This is because Disqus is designed to replace the native Wordpress comments form, and will only appear where the Wordpress comments form is present. For any posts where you'd like to hide or prevent comments, this will allow you to disable comments within Wordpress for that post, and Disqus will be hidden. However, as Wordpress comments are only enabled for Posts, this will also prevent Disqus from appearing on any Pages by default.
To enable comments on static WordPress Pages, you'll want to add the comments_template() code below to your page template wherever you want the comment form to appear:

<?php comments_template(); ?>

Additional information from the WordPress dev team may be found here:

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